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About 9 out of 10 theses collected at this site were written in chinese (Big5).To browse these theses,please use Adobe Reader Tradition Chinese version.

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YearAuthor NameTitleDepartment
97Yao-Tien Huang The Efficiency of Automobiles Maintenance for After-Service Field using TOYOTA Production System none
100Bo-cheng Zhang Android系統上的無線滑鼠 none
100Jian-liang Lin none
100Ming-cheng Yang none
100Zhi-qiang Zheng none
100Yan-zhen Cao Interactive ordering system - an example to the staff dining restaurant none
101Fang Yunxiang Development a Polymer-Based Electronic Pulse Diagnosis Instrument and Analyzing the Pulse Signals none
102Jia-fu Liou Development of a Arterial Wall Abnormalities Sensor System Base on Pulse Wave Velocity,Resonant Bandwidth and Three Dimension Phase plane none
102Chin-Lin Lu Design and Implementation of a Switched Reluctance Drive Based on Miller Converter none
102Chi-Kuang Lee Implementation of an Intelligent Constant Force Feedback Control System for Tapping Mode Atomic Microscope Using DSP none
102Yu-Ming Chang Planning unit commitment of hybrid power systems in Penghu none

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